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4 Benefits of Implementing an Industrial Electric Motor Asset Management Program

A well run industrial electric motor asset management program allows a company to get the most out of its existing electrical motors, as well as making good decisions on whether to repair or replace existing electric motors.

Reduce Energy Costs

When your existing industrial electric motors are running at peak efficiency, you are saving money on energy costs. And since this is estimated to be 95% of an electrical motor’s operating cost over a lifetime, this savings can be huge. With this in mind, a decision may need to be made about replacing an older, less efficient electric motor, with a newer, more efficient model, even if there is nothing wrong with the older motor.

Industrial Electric Motor Asset Management example

Discover Potential Problems with Existing Electric Motors Early

Several non-destructive testing methods such as infrared thermographic studies, and ultrasonic motor testing can identify possible problems with your motors before they become issues that reduce operational efficiency and increase energy costs. And since these tests can be done without halting operations, there are no costs associated with this down time.

Improve Operational Efficiency

Part of an asset management program is to build up an inventory of spares. Spare electric motors allow you to take your working electric motors offline for maintenance or repair without causing much downtime for your operations. Managing your electric motor inventory also helps determine when an existing motor should be replaced with a new motor with better energy efficiency.

Reduce Maintenance Cost

Keeping ahead of maintenance issues by using electric motor predictive maintenance can limit or even prevent unplanned downtime. Through rigorous inspection and testing, monitoring the air quality and flow, and using high efficiency electric motors, your maintenance costs are reduced because your efficiency glitches are addressed before they become major (and costly) problems.

Let Us Handle Your Industrial Electric Motor Asset Management Needs

Tekwell carries a large electric motor inventory of spares. We also can help you put together your own industrial electric motor asset management program. Go to our Contact page and fill out our quick solution form at the bottom of the page. Or if you prefer, call us using our toll-free number: 1-888-984-4668 to speak to an industrial electric motor asset management expert today.

